Maite Escudero-Alías (b. Teruel) studied at the Universities of Zaragoza and Birkbeck College (London) and became a senior lecturer in 2010 at the University of Zaragoza, where she currently teaches 19th century English literature, contemporary Irish literature and literary criticism. She has specialised in literature, feminism, lesbian criticism, trauma studies, ethics, queer and affect theory, on which she has published steadily. The books Long Live the King: A Genealogy of Performative Genders (monograph, 2009, reprinted in 2019) and Traumatic Memory and the Ethical, Political and Transhistorical Functions of Literature (co-edition, 2017) also attest to the consolidation of such knowledge. Her current research interests are related to animacies, agency, and the representation of rural spaces in literature and culture. She is a member of the Research Institute for Employment, Digital Society and Sustainability (IEDIS) and the “Contemporary Narrative in English” Research team.