Laura Roldán-Sevillano is a lecturer in the Department of English Philology at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) and a member of the Institute on Employment, Digital Society and Sustainability at the same university. Her doctoral dissertation, which she completed thanks to a competitive four-year pre-doctoral scholarship/contract granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, focuses on the representation of sexist and racist violence against women of colour in US ethnic women’s fiction of the 2010s. Roldán-Sevillano’s main research interests are contemporary US ethnic literatures with a focus on postcolonial trauma and precariousness, gender-based violence and perpetrator studies. She has shared her research work in different academic journals such as Atlantis and Anglia: Journal of English Studies as well as in diverse national and international conferences. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Leeds (UK), at Michigan State University (USA) and at the Instituto Franklin-UAH for North American Studies (Spain) thanks to different competitive grants.