Claus-Peter Neumann is an associate professor at the English and German Department of the University of Zaragoza, where he teaches U.S. Literature and English Drama and Theatre at the Faculty of Arts. He obtained an M.A. in English, Spanish and Russian studies from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, graduating with honours. His PhD thesis on the theatre of Tony Kushner (written as part of a European Doctorate program at the University of Zaragoza), was awarded cum laude.
His research interests include the role of boundaries in the constitution and interrelations of self and Other; desire as a traumatic force in U.S. drama and theatre; and the representation of war and its repercussions on the individual and the community on the American stage.
He has published on Tennessee Williams, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Vladimir Nabokov, Jerzy Kosinski, and Tony Kushner, amongst others, in international journals such as Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos and The Journal of American Drama and Theatre.